
Be Better

Be Better Everyday

This site is dedicated to helping people become better supervisors, managers, and leaders.

What’s the secret to being a great boss?

While there is no single trait or one-size-fits-all secret to being a successful leader, many common characteristics are universal regardless of age, sex, education, or cultural background. This website will explore and expose these “secrets” with the hope of inspiring future leaders by example after example.

We hear the term natural born leader and may wonder what this means. History tells us that charisma and personality can propel a person into the limelight and convincingly gain influence. However, countless examples of people have been mentored and learned to become highly effective, even great, leaders throughout history.

Are certain people naturally born leaders?

How can I become a really good, successful boss?

This is among the primary purposes behind this website. The first step to becoming a leader is deciding to do so. You are already taking the first significant steps towards being a great boss and reaping all the rewards by being here and participating.

People are “promoted” daily and asked to lead, supervise, or manage others. Many, if not most of the time, this promotion is meant to reward and increase pay. But, most of the time, the promotion does not come with adequate training and preparation. Too frequently, promoted employees must “wing it.” They do the best they can, but all too often, they’re ineffective, and many suffer. This site was created as a resource for new or struggling leaders needing help.

Why was this website created?

How will help me? is a resource with a group of highly successful people who have proven themselves to be great bosses and leaders. Our Leaders’ career paths vary significantly, yet they were invited to participate and share their unique perspectives on accomplishing things through others. The idea is to have a melting pot of high achievers share advice and insight to help aspiring or struggling leaders. The Management-101 contributors are also good humans that have earned the respect of others they managed. Contributor management and leadership styles vary a lot too. Not all styles of leadership fit all people. The common thread is that a good leader is a good leader, and the industry matters little. One fundamental tenet is respect. Effective leaders tend to earn the respect of their peers, bosses, suppliers, customers, and subordinates. As you read articles or responses to member questions, we hope the insights will serve to make you better in many respects.

Real-world answers to real problems and situations in response to you, the frustrated team leader, supervisor, manager, director, vice president, CEO, or board member. The frustration of the newly promoted supervisor of 4 people may differ very little from the Vice President at a multinational corporation with 2000 employees. Yes, of course, the scale is different, but many of the challenges and hurdles are surprisingly similar. Results and pressure are relative, but people are people, and their desires differ very little at their core.

Your job grade, salary level, organization size, industry, and responsibilities matter little here. However, for the sake of organization, we will ask that questions be posed in the most appropriate forum to help with scale and context.

Startup to Fortune 50 – Go ahead and jump in.